Nimbus is headed to DMEXCO 22!

We’re excited to see you there! Reach out to David Leviev and Adam Gray from the Nimbus team to hear about everything we’re cooking up for CTV and InApp monetization and what it could mean for you.

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How Timehop Developed the World Class Ad Platform Nimbus with Support from AWS

We partnered with AWS to tell the story about how we grew from memories to moneitization.

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Nimbus Partners with Pangle

Nimbus partners with Pangle to expand our broad network of demand partners and further maximize revenue for our app publishers.

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Automated QA for Mobile Apps

How to prepare and overcome some of the most difficult challenges a mobile QA automation engineer will face.

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Kotlin Multiplatform and Github Actions

A step by step guide for setting up a Kotlin Multiplatform Mobile 1.4 shared library publication to Github Packages using Github Actions, and integrating into an existing Android app.

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Getting Started with ElasticSearch

Learn how to prepare a production-ready ElasticSearch cluster that can consume time series data end users can report on with Kibana.

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Dynamic Programming for Fun

Backend Software Engineer, Andrey, gives an intro to Dynamic Programming, a method used in computer science to divide large complex problems into small, simpler ones.

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Confetti on Nimbus Dashboard

How we designed and built infrastructure to render confetti on the Nimbus Dashboard— Celebrating our publishers’ highest ad revenue day.

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Nimbus Partners with Criteo

Nimbus partners with Criteo to expand our broad network of demand partners and further maximize revenue for our app publishers.

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Timehop at Work: 3 Years Ago

A message from our CTO, Dmitry Traytel, about his time at Timehop.

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Our Approach to Data and Privacy

 How Nimbus approaches data and privacy with technology and practices designed to thrive in a GDPR and CCPA ecosystem.

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Achieving Optimal Render Rate

How to increase render rate by identifying and fixing common issues holding it back.

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Putting the ‘Tech’ in Ad Tech

How Nimbus takes an engineering-first approach to programmatic advertising

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Making Ad Blocking Easy

How Nimbus gives publishers control of ad blocking with a clean and simple UI while minimizing engineering time.

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Real-Time Reports on Nimbus’ Dashboard

How we designed and built infrastructure to render real-time revenue and impression data — letting publishers view campaign performance on a dashboard in real-time.

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Ads by Nimbus, Memories by Timehop

The story behind the creation of Timehop and Nimbus and the engineering team that built them both without increasing resources.

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